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Article: How Does Teeth Whitening Work? At-Home Whitening Explained

How Does Teeth Whitening Work? At-Home Whitening Explained

Discover the science behind teeth whitening & how at-home products work. Learn the benefits, and why choosing a peroxide-free option is better. Read our guide

A bright, beautiful smile isn’t just about looking good in photos. Smiling can improve your mood, relieve stress, and help us connect with the people around us. But smiling can also feel make us feel awkward and self-conscious,

Teeth whitening is a great option for people seeking the confidence of a brilliant, pearly smile, and at-home whitening kits are becoming more and more popular, providing an affordable and effective alternative to expensive and uncomfortable dental procedures.

If you’re thinking teeth whitening might be for you, it’s important to understand your options and know how they work. Let’s take a look at the science behind a whiter smile, and how a healthy smile can boost your confidence and brighten your day.

Understanding Teeth Whitening

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Teeth whitening works by bleaching your teeth, lightening the colour of the outer enamel layer.  Typically, at-home tooth whitening involves a gel applied to the teeth, and may include a light to activate the bleaching ingredients.

Traditional whitening uses chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide, which can deliver impressive results, but it can also lead to side-effects including sensitivity, irritation, pain, or allergic reactions. For this reason, many users seek out peroxide-free treatments to enjoy the benefits of a brighter smile without the potential risks associated with harsh bleaching chemicals.

Polished London whitening kits are peroxide-free, instead using the organic compound PAP (Phthalimido-peroxy-caproic acid – but let’s stick with PAP). Like peroxide-based whitening, PAP can effectively lighten your teeth. Unlike peroxide-based treatments, PAP has a much lower risk of sensitivity and discomfort.

What Causes Teeth to Stain?

At a microscopic level, tooth discolouration is often caused by stain molecules trapped within the structure of your teeth. Over time, stain molecules can build up, causing your teeth to appear dull, yellowed or flecked. While age and natural pigment can affect the appearance of your teeth, staining is often linked to diet and lifestyle factors. Many foods and drinks can lead to staining, including coffee, tea, red wine, and dark foods like berries, curries and sauces. Smoking can be a major cause of staining, along with poor oral hygiene.

The Science Behind Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening treatments work through a chemical reaction that works to remove or lightening stains and discolouration of the outer enamel layers of your teeth. When the whitening gel or strip is applied, the active ingredient causes a bleaching reaction, wherein oxygen molecules permeate the tooth’s enamel to lift discolouration and reduce staining, leaving teeth a brighter, more natural colour. 

Peroxide-Free Whitening

Like peroxide-based treatments, PAP breaks down stains through an oxidising reaction. Unlike peroxide-based whitening agents, PAP’s chemical reaction does not release potentially irritating free radicals, which significantly reduces the chance of unpleasant side effects. Peroxide-free whitening treatments can deliver the same impressive whitening results without potential damage to your teeth’s enamel layer, or irritation and sensitivity in your teeth and gums.

Benefits of At-Home Teeth Whitening

Many dentists now offer professional in-office whitening treatments, but these can be time-consuming, uncomfortable and expensive. At-home whitening kits can deliver impressive results at a fraction of the time and cost.

1. Convenience and Accessibility

With effective at-home whitening products widely available in pharmacies and supermarkets, it’s easier than ever to find the right tooth-whitening treatment for you. At-home teeth-whitening can fit easily into your existing routine - apply a strip while completing your skincare routine or getting dressed for the day ahead, and save the hours spent on dental appointments.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

While the cost of professional whitening treatments can vary widely based on your teeth, the provider, and the type of treatment, in-chair dental whitening can cost anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars. At-home whitening treatments are usually much more budget-friendly. Polished London’s offers a range of affordable whitening options that deliver reliable results without the hefty price tag.

3. Effectiveness and Results

While expensive dental procedures may produce quick results, when used correctly and consistently, at-home whitening kits can achieve whitening results comparable to in-chair whitening treatments. With proper oral hygiene and maintenance, at-home whitening results can last up to several months.

4. Increased confidence

It’s not uncommon to feel self-conscious about your smile. If you’ve noticed discolouration or stains that are keeping you from smiling in selfies or effecting your enjoyment of food and drinks, at-home teeth whitening can give your confidence a quick and affordable boost and help you feel more comfortable and at-ease in social situations.

5. Removal of stubborn stains

You don’t have to avoid all your favourite foods and drinks for the sake of your smile. With easy, at-home whitening options, you can continue enjoying coffee, wine and other potentially staining foods. If you notice staining, you can simply incorporate a whitening treatment into your oral care routine to help keep teeth bright without giving up your morning latte.

6. Oral Health Benefits

Teeth-whitening isn’t purely cosmetic. While removing staining molecules can improve the appearance of your teeth, it may also help reduce the build up of bacteria that can cause bad breath and poor oral health.

What to Expect After Teeth Whitening

No whitening treatment is permanent, but there are steps you can take to make the most of your whiter, brighter smile and help your results last as long as possible

How long does teeth whitening last?

The life of your whitening results can vary based on multiple factors. Whether you whiten professional or at home, results depend on the products used, the extent of the original discolouration, and your oral care routine in between treatments. To extend the life of your whitening results, maintain a thorough oral health and hygiene routine.

What can I eat after teeth whitening?

While professional, in-chair treatments can have strict diet guidelines lasting several days after the procedure, at-home treatments may allow you more flexibility in your diet. However, while whitening your teeth, you may wish to avoid potentially staining foods and drinks and any tobacco products. You may also be advised to avoid crunchy or sticky foods, sugary snacks, carbonated drinks, and acidic fruits.

How long after teeth whitening can I drink coffee?

It is recommended you avoid drinking coffee or other potentially staining drinks for 24-72 hours after professional whitening. If using at-home whitening treatments, you may wish to reduce or eliminate coffee during the treatment period to help get the best whitening results.

Post-Whitening Oral Care For Maintaining Your Bright Smile

To extend the life of your whitening results, it’s important to take care of your smile and maintain a regular oral health routine. Brushing with a whitening toothpaste can help keep your teeth whiter for longer, and regular flossing can help reduce the food residue and bacteria that can cause discolouration.

We recommend using the Polished London Whitening Paste and Mouth Cleanse Set or our exclusive Teeth Whitening Powder to help keep your smile sparkling as long as possible. The handy Teeth Whitening Pen can also be used for a quick touch up between treatments.

You can help keep your smile bright and white by limiting staining foods and drinks in your diet, including reducing your coffee intake and eliminating tobacco. Rinsing your mouth after eating can help protect your teeth between brushing. Regular dental check ups and cleaning are essential for bright and healthy teeth.

Safety Tips

Before proceeding with teeth whitening, it’s a good idea to discuss your concerns with your dentist to understand your options and what may work best for you.

When whitening at home, carefully read the ingredients and instructions on your whitening products before you begin treatment. Pay close attention to the recommended time limits of your chosen treatment. Overuse of whitening products, or leaving the product on for too long may lead to unwanted side-effects.

Do not use whitening products if you have damaged or loose teeth, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have any other dental or oral health issues. Do not swallow the product, and immediately stop the treatment if you experience any pain, discomfort or irritation. At-home teeth whitening products should not be used by anyone under 16 years of age.

Are there any side effects of teeth whitening?

As with any dental treatment, teeth whitening can have side-effects. Fortunately, these side-effects are usually mild and short-lived. Sensitivity and irritation in the teeth and gums are the most commonly report side-effects of teeth whitening,There is a small risk of blistering or stomach upset, usually when whitening products are misused or overused. These effects are largely due to the concentration of the peroxide commonly used in both professional and at-home whitening procedures.

A major benefit of using a peroxide-free whitening routine is the reduction of these side-effects. Peroxide-free whitening treatments, such as those in the Polished London range, drastically reduce the chance of gum irritation and sensitive teeth that can come with peroxide-based treatments.

There is a small risk of allergic reaction to the ingredients in your whitening products. Check the ingredients for any known allergens, and immediately discontinue use if you experience signs of an allergic reaction.

On your way to a brighter smile!

Teeth-whitening can be a great way to support your oral health and give you the confidence of a beautiful smile. With so many treatment options, it’s important to understand the process and know what to expect when you start out on your whitening journey. Along with regular dental check-ups and a good oral care routine, at-home teeth-whitening is an easy and affordable way to keep your smile at its sparkling best.

At Polished London, we’ve curated a range of peroxide-free whitening treatments and oral care products to support a healthy, brilliant smile. Shop online now, or at Priceline Pharmacy Australia-wide.

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